venerdì 16 novembre 2012

Poveri lupi!

E' proprio vero quello chè c'è scritto qui, poveri lupi, da sempre e per sempre -anche con le nuove conoscenze- odiati, temuti, torturati, sterminati nei modi peggiori adesso come nel medioevo! quante bugie sul loro conto, quante false credenze!!! colpa loro se sono carnivori e se l'uomo gli ha ridotto e distrutto l'habitat riducendo sempre di più le prede naturali? devono diventare vegetariani anche loro? e poveri anche i coyotes....

Noble is the wolf.......

Posted by Heidi Ulrich (cause leader)

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What is particularly frustrating for wolf advocates is that we see the wolf for the perfect animal that he is---iconic, majestic, loyal, intelligent, and independent; all the traits human beings admire.

Yet this animal we so appreciate is continually maligned, hated, tortured, and killed by those who cannot, or will not, see the true nature of the wolf.

A top tier predator, he adds balance to nature, follow his instincts, and has every right to feed himself.

When what we know to be true about this magnificent animal is in conflict with the injustice of lies, fairy tales and political agendas that are all getting him killed--- it is like a stab in the tapestry of the universe---like a slap in the face of decency and truth.