domenica 28 novembre 2010
La mia amica Regina fa dei bellissimi calendari con le foto preferite. Può essere un bel regalo per le Feste, no? la sua mail è
giovedì 25 novembre 2010
lunedì 22 novembre 2010
materni---Multi Ch. Worl Champion Czujna Arcturus- Multi Ch. European Ch.Gwidon Arcturus-
gira gira come una trottola per tutta l'Europa a collezionare titoli come punti del sto qui e succedono i miracoli...questi cuccioli che nasceranno sono sangue, carne , vita, futuro, storia che verrà...non sterili inutili titoli che lasciano il tempo che trovano...non ho offerto-for stud- siamo stati cercati...
RULLINO I TAMBURI:::::::::::::::::::Z ZIEMI POLSKIEJ DO WLOSKIEJ...- dalla Polonia con amore SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ciccio diventerà papà con la bella BRAWURKA XANTUSIA- all. ACALANTIS- POLAND!!!!!!!!!!!! GRAZIE NADIA E TOMASZ PER AVER SCELTO IL MIO RAGAZZO E PER AVER FATTO TUTTA QUELLA STRADA!!! IL SOGNO DI OGNI ALLEVATORE ITALIANO- che il proprio cane venga scelto per un accoppiamento nella terra di origine della razza!!! IL FUTURO HA MESSO RADICI NEL PRESENTE- anche se non farò più cucciolate il mio nome continuerà nei pedigree in Polonia e spero anche in Italia con Klejnot e Inga Akacjana!!! LA MIA PIu' GRANDE SODDISFAZIONE!!! E chissà che sia la volta buona che riesca ad avere una cucciola del colore che mi piace di più...e come sempre...THANKS IZA!!!
sabato 20 novembre 2010
pensieri e parole....
La mia patria è dove mi trovo bene-
E' destino di un uomo come me di essere incompreso-
Il mondo è un luogo infido. Ti dai da fare, fai la tua vita e poi tutto finisce o tutto pegiora...-
Qualcosa di terribile, qualcosa da affrontare con fortezza d'animo. Ho avuto una vita felice, pensava. Un saggio è preparato a tutto, sa come cedere, rassegnarsi, è grato dei piaceri che la vita gli ha offerto, e non va in collera nè piagnucola quando la felicità (come deve) finisce...
Le sue lettere parlano di na malinconia radicata, ingovernabile. Oppressione, innui, indolenza- com'era fastidioso scrivere queste parole- è questa la mia sorte. Al Cavaliere non piaceva provare sentimenti troppo forti, ma era allarmato dall'evidente scemare dei sentimenti. Voleva continuare a non sentire troppo, ma neanche troppo poco (come non voleva essere nè giovane nè vecchio). Voleva non cambiare. Ma era cambiato. Per natura vivace, energico, interessato a tutto, sono ora diventato indifferente a molte delle cose che un tempo mi davano piacere, una generale, avviluppante indifferenza. Voglio sperare che questa condizione d'apatia non sia ineluttabilmente mia...-
E' possibile compiere le azioni più pesanti se le si fanno apparire di poco peso...
Com'è sottile la linea tra la voglia di vivere e la voglia di morire.Com'è esile la membrana tra l'energia e il torpore.In tanti cederebbero alla tentazione di suicidarsi se fosse reso facile...
Niente può eguagliare l'energia del malinconico cronico quando arriva la gioia. Ma prima che le sia concesso di arrivare, essa deve cingere d'assedio il cuore stanco. Lasciami entrare, miagola, ruggisce. Il cuore deve essere forzato...
Che ne fai della bellezza? La ammiri, la lodi, la abbellisci (o cerchi di farlo), la esponi oppure la nascondi. Puoi avere qualcosa di supremamente bello e non desiderare di mostrarlo agli altri? Può darsi, se temi la ,loro invidia, se hai paura che arrivi qualcuno e te lo porti via. Chi ruba un dipinto da un museo o un manoscritto medievale da una chiesa deve tenerlo nascosto. Ma come deve sentirsi defraudato il ladro. Sembra molto più naturale esibire la bellezza, incorniciarla, metterla in scena- e sentire che gli altril' ammirano, rieccheggiano latua ammirazione...
"L'amante del vulcano"-Susan Sontag-
venerdì 19 novembre 2010
Auguri Iaia!!!
martedì 16 novembre 2010
Ecco l'articolo completo sulla rivista Tedesca di Levrieri.....beh direi che è un altro bel successo e una bella soddisfazione...!!! QUESTI SONO FATTI; NON BALLE!!! NE VOGLIAMO PARLARE?
A me sembra nel mio piccolo di stare facendo qualcosa di buono per la razza, senza diffondere inquinamento genetico...puoi vincere tutti i titoli del mondo, tutti i donaueschingen che vuoi con giudici che non conoscono niente della razza, ma queste sono VITTORIE VERE, nel rispetto e nell'amore per la razza (assieme a quella più grande che rivelerò la settimana prossima...)'era? V come vittoria? T come trionfo? ah ah ah
alla facciaccia...tiè!!! \-/
domenica 14 novembre 2010
sabato 13 novembre 2010
altra cosa MOLTO IMPORTANTE!!!
E' stato effettuato il controllo oculistico su Dragos per vedere se è esente dalla patologia genetica PRA- atrofia progressiva della retina- e ad oggi E' LIBERO!!!il ciccino è stato bravissimo, non ha fatto difficoltà, nemmeno quando è stato avvicinato con macchinari strani...solo gli altri animali sono il suo problema!
venerdì 12 novembre 2010
saremo famosi...
martedì 9 novembre 2010
Precisazioni ancora...
Le ripeterò sempre-
Nel mio blog scrivo quello che mi pare, nei limiti della decenza...senza offendere e senza fare nomi....
Nel mio blog scrivo SEMPRE LA VERITA'...
Nel mio blog esprimo il mio diritto alla critica, legalmente riconosciuto....
Nel mio blog scrivo quello che mi dice il cuore o l'impulso del momento....
Se c'è bisogno di qualche chiarimento, il mio cell. è 3383327392- la mia mail a disposizione!!!
Io non odio nessuno...anche l'odio è un sentimento, un coinvolgimento emotivo e per certe persone non vale la pena di provare nemmeno quello!!! Ho un dubbio...anche provare schifo è un sentimento?
Nella foto la super famiglia di Tasietta!!!
domenica 7 novembre 2010
antico articolo sul Chart Polski---
Questo articolo del 1902 , scritto in Svedese, è stato reperito dalla sig.ra Nina Turunen e poi tradotto in Finlandese e in Inglese dalla sig.ra Lea Hamalainen- Grazie per avermi concesso di pubblicarlo in Italia!
We have found an old article of the Polish sighthound. It was published in "Finska Kennelklubbens Tidskrift", Finnish Kennel Club Review in 1902. Unfortunately, the author is unknown, but obviously he/she was Russian and the original text was also in Russian. So, this article in the paper is a translation into Swedish. I think the article is most interesting, because it is written by a contemporary wittness describing the state of the breed at that time.And, which is remarkable, it contains a whole breed standard, which is said to be given by P.M. Gubin in his book "A Complete Guide to Hunting with Sighthounds" "Ïîëíîå ðóêîâîäñòâî êî ïñîâîé îõîòå" (1891). Peculiar enough, I have never heard of Gubin in this connection of CP before, neither seen this book mentioned among the references about the CP. Therefore I thought you also might be interested in the article and decided to translate it.
II Sighthound Breeds
A. Short-haired Sighthounds
Polish Sighthound (Hart)
We don’t find any illustrative information about the origin of the Polish sighthound in Polish hunting literature, neither in the book of Ostroróg from last century, nor in the cynological researches published later on. We may only assume that short- haired sighthounds were well known in Poland as early as in the Middle Ages and that they don’t descend from the Greyhound but the Gallian sighthound with a mixture of the Arabian sighthound. The latter may have been brought from Palestine by crusaders. It is also possible that short-haired sighthounds were imported straight from France in the 17 th century. Greyhounds were imported a little later during the time of Elector August II.
Poles learnt the way of hunting with sighthounds mainly from Russians during the period of The False Demeters; on the other hand Crimean Tatars as well as Moldavian and Wallachian Turks may have served as masters. Therefore the Polish sighthound has charasteristics from the Russian long-haired one and sometimes even from the Crimean sighthound. The Moldavian sighthound, or the so called "voloshka", which is found in Bessarabia and Rumania is a crossbreeding between the Polish and the Crimean sighthounds. The real Polish sighthounds of the 18th and 19th centuries diverged from the Greyhound in regard to their bigger size, stronger conformation and better prey drive as well as their rougher hair quality.
Hunting with sighthounds has never been widely spread in Poland, and it is only carried on by the aristocracy, while hunting with scent hounds has been the way of hunting characteristic of ordinary people. Polish sighthounds have always been few in number, and after the last rebellion they have become utmost rare. Some occasional individuals can nowadays be found in the south western part of the country and in Bessarabia.
Polish sighthounds were widely spread among the Russian sighthound hunters in the beginning of the 19th century, and being bigger, stronger and having better prey drive they were much more in demand than the Greyhounds. In a letter to Count Saltykov A. Volinski in 1734 tells about an unusual male, who was owned by a Lithuanian nobleman and envoy of Poland, Count Savkis. This male "…is so big that his height at the withers is 1 arshin and 3 vershoks (about 85 cm, LH) and so marvellous that, to be honest, I have never met such a perfect dog during my whole life. I think it would be a great pity, if the dog in question would pass away without giving offspring. The owner really paid 400 efims for him to a nobleman of humble birth."
The characteristics of the Polish sighthound have in detail been documented by Gubin in his book "A complete guide to hunting with sighthounds"
General appearance: When compared to the Greyhound, the Polish sighthound is bigger, more rough in shape and more muscular. Everything in the dog tells about his boldness and power.
Head is big and dry, muzzle long and impressive; forehead is with two layers. Regardless of the width of the forehead, the head is stronger and more attractive than the head of the Greyhound.
Eyes are very big, fierce, with lower lids slightly hanging. The white of the eye is bloodshed; as Gubin describes it: "In a furious eye, between eye lids you can distinguish a bloodshed eyeball." These eyes give an evidence on a crossbreeding to some dogg, presumably the Great Dane. So you can have the evidence from a certain source, that the Polish "kundel", useful in hunting wild boars, is a diabolic mixture of dogg, scent hound, village mongrel and Polish sighthound.
Ears are small, narrow and oblong and always backwards folded.
Neck is long; in males as well as in females often swan neck.
Front is wide and full, in good balance with the rear . The sternum emerges in front of the shoulder joints.
Shoulders are massive and muscular. Thin ribbons are low set.
Body is wide and full, topline in females nearly straight, males have an arch, starting from the shoulder and ending at the croup bones.
Limbs are dry with strong bones, their position is very straight. Thighs are massive with clearly distinguishable individual muscles. Pasterns are of medium length, in correct proportion to the size of the dog. The dog must stand on his nails like every pure bred sighthound.
Feet are big oblong hare feet
Tail is very long, straight without turning aside and without a curve. The dog carries it hanging straight downwards; on a fast move it makes a sickle. According to old Russian system of measuring the tail, i.e. when passing the tail up between the hind legs, the last tail vertebra must reach the summit of the croup.
Coat. Hair is short, soft and glossy, but in all cases more harsh and thicker than in the Greyhound. It is utmost short and glossy on the head, the forelegs and the abdomen. Hair is tightly set to the body; its length is not allowed to exceed 2,22 cm. Cold resistance of the coat is due to the undercoat. The dog has slight hanging hair on the tail and hind legs as a remembrance of the Borzoi and Crimean sighthound.
Colour is black, grey, beige, yellowish, red with or without black mask, red with markings, brindle, blue and particolour, but seldom white.
Height of the Boby. Dogs are of medium size, but it’s not seldom that males of 80 cm and females of 70 - 73 cm are found.
The dog loosens his hair from the beginning of May till the end of June.
By their nature the Polish sighthounds are energetic, but peaceful and obedient. The stamina of hunting is good on short as well as long distances. However, the dogs are not suitable for long term hunting on terrain. They usually run in a fairly slow rhythm. Their prey drive is excellent and the grasp on the prey is killing without exception. In regard to their power, size and the biting capacity of their jaws, the Polish sighthounds are not underrated when compared to the Curlandian wire-haired or Russian long-haired sighthounds.
Among the dogs shown in Russia, Apushkins Asarnoj may be mentioned, who, however, had a ramarkable percentage of greyhound blood in him.-------
Commento all'articolo della sig.ra Nina Turunen-Bassebastioni kennel-Finlandia----
This article is old - it is written over hundred years ago, when those dogs in Juliusz Kossak and Józef Brandt paintings were alive. Usually we think that the world of old paintings is some kind of unreal wonderland, product of imagination. But those dogs have sometimes been flesh and blood. This article is like a greeting to us, sent by our workmates from another era - people who lived long time ago with same dogs like we today.
The article is a strong evidence that the 'Polish' 'sight' 'hound' - a local subspecies of sighthound from Polish area - has been well-known concept, completed product among the more famous sighthound breeds like f. ex. Greyhound and Borzoi - not automatically all present sighthound breeds have been known in 1902. Just if a sighthound breed is mentioned in a Finnish publication hundred years ago, that means the breed really has been an established concept, not only common in those places where it has been used (Poland, Russia and present Ukraine between them). However we have to remember that then, in 1902, both Grand Duchy of Finland and huge areas of partitioned Poland were part of Russian Empire.
Together with the other similar and contemporary descriptions (like Ubysz 1880, Sabaneev 1892, Machevarianov 1873 and so on) this article gives one rare missing piece more to the "jigsaw puzzle", entity called 'Chart Polski' and its background.
The earlier existence of a dog breed can be proved at many ways. One good indicator is if there appear descriptions not only in the home country of the breed but also the other ones. It means the breed has been known more widely than only in country of origin. There are not too much foreign descriptions published about this breed - particularly same old. Nowadays in the books and newspapers where old texts are cited, we can read descriptions and notes written by Poles and Russians of course, but how many of the foreign countries have reported about this breed - even more widely than only a short mention in the breed list? Not many, especially further away outside of neighbour countries of Poland. There are maybe some descriptions written in Germany and maybe very few other. But the other possible comparable and same old articles outside of Poland or Russia are not known.
This article is also very valuable evidence against those suspicious peoples, who say that Chart Polski "is a new breed from 1970's and without true history". But now we know that the Polish Chart has existed as a Polish local kind of sighthound at least already over hundred years ago. Just in different contexts the concept 'breed' is often somewhat ambiguous.
We have found an old article of the Polish sighthound. It was published in "Finska Kennelklubbens Tidskrift", Finnish Kennel Club Review in 1902. Unfortunately, the author is unknown, but obviously he/she was Russian and the original text was also in Russian. So, this article in the paper is a translation into Swedish. I think the article is most interesting, because it is written by a contemporary wittness describing the state of the breed at that time.And, which is remarkable, it contains a whole breed standard, which is said to be given by P.M. Gubin in his book "A Complete Guide to Hunting with Sighthounds" "Ïîëíîå ðóêîâîäñòâî êî ïñîâîé îõîòå" (1891). Peculiar enough, I have never heard of Gubin in this connection of CP before, neither seen this book mentioned among the references about the CP. Therefore I thought you also might be interested in the article and decided to translate it.
II Sighthound Breeds
A. Short-haired Sighthounds
Polish Sighthound (Hart)
We don’t find any illustrative information about the origin of the Polish sighthound in Polish hunting literature, neither in the book of Ostroróg from last century, nor in the cynological researches published later on. We may only assume that short- haired sighthounds were well known in Poland as early as in the Middle Ages and that they don’t descend from the Greyhound but the Gallian sighthound with a mixture of the Arabian sighthound. The latter may have been brought from Palestine by crusaders. It is also possible that short-haired sighthounds were imported straight from France in the 17 th century. Greyhounds were imported a little later during the time of Elector August II.
Poles learnt the way of hunting with sighthounds mainly from Russians during the period of The False Demeters; on the other hand Crimean Tatars as well as Moldavian and Wallachian Turks may have served as masters. Therefore the Polish sighthound has charasteristics from the Russian long-haired one and sometimes even from the Crimean sighthound. The Moldavian sighthound, or the so called "voloshka", which is found in Bessarabia and Rumania is a crossbreeding between the Polish and the Crimean sighthounds. The real Polish sighthounds of the 18th and 19th centuries diverged from the Greyhound in regard to their bigger size, stronger conformation and better prey drive as well as their rougher hair quality.
Hunting with sighthounds has never been widely spread in Poland, and it is only carried on by the aristocracy, while hunting with scent hounds has been the way of hunting characteristic of ordinary people. Polish sighthounds have always been few in number, and after the last rebellion they have become utmost rare. Some occasional individuals can nowadays be found in the south western part of the country and in Bessarabia.
Polish sighthounds were widely spread among the Russian sighthound hunters in the beginning of the 19th century, and being bigger, stronger and having better prey drive they were much more in demand than the Greyhounds. In a letter to Count Saltykov A. Volinski in 1734 tells about an unusual male, who was owned by a Lithuanian nobleman and envoy of Poland, Count Savkis. This male "…is so big that his height at the withers is 1 arshin and 3 vershoks (about 85 cm, LH) and so marvellous that, to be honest, I have never met such a perfect dog during my whole life. I think it would be a great pity, if the dog in question would pass away without giving offspring. The owner really paid 400 efims for him to a nobleman of humble birth."
The characteristics of the Polish sighthound have in detail been documented by Gubin in his book "A complete guide to hunting with sighthounds"
General appearance: When compared to the Greyhound, the Polish sighthound is bigger, more rough in shape and more muscular. Everything in the dog tells about his boldness and power.
Head is big and dry, muzzle long and impressive; forehead is with two layers. Regardless of the width of the forehead, the head is stronger and more attractive than the head of the Greyhound.
Eyes are very big, fierce, with lower lids slightly hanging. The white of the eye is bloodshed; as Gubin describes it: "In a furious eye, between eye lids you can distinguish a bloodshed eyeball." These eyes give an evidence on a crossbreeding to some dogg, presumably the Great Dane. So you can have the evidence from a certain source, that the Polish "kundel", useful in hunting wild boars, is a diabolic mixture of dogg, scent hound, village mongrel and Polish sighthound.
Ears are small, narrow and oblong and always backwards folded.
Neck is long; in males as well as in females often swan neck.
Front is wide and full, in good balance with the rear . The sternum emerges in front of the shoulder joints.
Shoulders are massive and muscular. Thin ribbons are low set.
Body is wide and full, topline in females nearly straight, males have an arch, starting from the shoulder and ending at the croup bones.
Limbs are dry with strong bones, their position is very straight. Thighs are massive with clearly distinguishable individual muscles. Pasterns are of medium length, in correct proportion to the size of the dog. The dog must stand on his nails like every pure bred sighthound.
Feet are big oblong hare feet
Tail is very long, straight without turning aside and without a curve. The dog carries it hanging straight downwards; on a fast move it makes a sickle. According to old Russian system of measuring the tail, i.e. when passing the tail up between the hind legs, the last tail vertebra must reach the summit of the croup.
Coat. Hair is short, soft and glossy, but in all cases more harsh and thicker than in the Greyhound. It is utmost short and glossy on the head, the forelegs and the abdomen. Hair is tightly set to the body; its length is not allowed to exceed 2,22 cm. Cold resistance of the coat is due to the undercoat. The dog has slight hanging hair on the tail and hind legs as a remembrance of the Borzoi and Crimean sighthound.
Colour is black, grey, beige, yellowish, red with or without black mask, red with markings, brindle, blue and particolour, but seldom white.
Height of the Boby. Dogs are of medium size, but it’s not seldom that males of 80 cm and females of 70 - 73 cm are found.
The dog loosens his hair from the beginning of May till the end of June.
By their nature the Polish sighthounds are energetic, but peaceful and obedient. The stamina of hunting is good on short as well as long distances. However, the dogs are not suitable for long term hunting on terrain. They usually run in a fairly slow rhythm. Their prey drive is excellent and the grasp on the prey is killing without exception. In regard to their power, size and the biting capacity of their jaws, the Polish sighthounds are not underrated when compared to the Curlandian wire-haired or Russian long-haired sighthounds.
Among the dogs shown in Russia, Apushkins Asarnoj may be mentioned, who, however, had a ramarkable percentage of greyhound blood in him.-------
Commento all'articolo della sig.ra Nina Turunen-Bassebastioni kennel-Finlandia----
This article is old - it is written over hundred years ago, when those dogs in Juliusz Kossak and Józef Brandt paintings were alive. Usually we think that the world of old paintings is some kind of unreal wonderland, product of imagination. But those dogs have sometimes been flesh and blood. This article is like a greeting to us, sent by our workmates from another era - people who lived long time ago with same dogs like we today.
The article is a strong evidence that the 'Polish' 'sight' 'hound' - a local subspecies of sighthound from Polish area - has been well-known concept, completed product among the more famous sighthound breeds like f. ex. Greyhound and Borzoi - not automatically all present sighthound breeds have been known in 1902. Just if a sighthound breed is mentioned in a Finnish publication hundred years ago, that means the breed really has been an established concept, not only common in those places where it has been used (Poland, Russia and present Ukraine between them). However we have to remember that then, in 1902, both Grand Duchy of Finland and huge areas of partitioned Poland were part of Russian Empire.
Together with the other similar and contemporary descriptions (like Ubysz 1880, Sabaneev 1892, Machevarianov 1873 and so on) this article gives one rare missing piece more to the "jigsaw puzzle", entity called 'Chart Polski' and its background.
The earlier existence of a dog breed can be proved at many ways. One good indicator is if there appear descriptions not only in the home country of the breed but also the other ones. It means the breed has been known more widely than only in country of origin. There are not too much foreign descriptions published about this breed - particularly same old. Nowadays in the books and newspapers where old texts are cited, we can read descriptions and notes written by Poles and Russians of course, but how many of the foreign countries have reported about this breed - even more widely than only a short mention in the breed list? Not many, especially further away outside of neighbour countries of Poland. There are maybe some descriptions written in Germany and maybe very few other. But the other possible comparable and same old articles outside of Poland or Russia are not known.
This article is also very valuable evidence against those suspicious peoples, who say that Chart Polski "is a new breed from 1970's and without true history". But now we know that the Polish Chart has existed as a Polish local kind of sighthound at least already over hundred years ago. Just in different contexts the concept 'breed' is often somewhat ambiguous.
sabato 6 novembre 2010
Foto e news
--chi mi ricorda???
Ultime foto di Bastia da Informacani! Ciccio e la vispa Teresa....
C'è una persona che è preoccupata che i Chart Polski si estinguano senza il suo prezioso contributo...non c'è pericolo, ci sono tante cucciolate previste per il prossimo anno....
!!!!!!x !!!!! -TOP SECRET- Urzekajaka Uroda x XXXXXX- Ictus Arcturus x Duszka Arcturus - Ignac Arcturus x Zalotna Zuzia Confidence Interval - Cykuta Szpony Tradicij x Ikar Zephirus Flavonius- Narnia Celerrimus x XXXXX (forse chissà) più altre di cui non sono a conoscenza, più altre di cani meno conosciuti o sconosciuti che ci sono sempre sui vari siti in Polonia------ NO PROBLEM!
Ultime foto di Bastia da Informacani! Ciccio e la vispa Teresa....
C'è una persona che è preoccupata che i Chart Polski si estinguano senza il suo prezioso contributo...non c'è pericolo, ci sono tante cucciolate previste per il prossimo anno....
!!!!!!x !!!!! -TOP SECRET- Urzekajaka Uroda x XXXXXX- Ictus Arcturus x Duszka Arcturus - Ignac Arcturus x Zalotna Zuzia Confidence Interval - Cykuta Szpony Tradicij x Ikar Zephirus Flavonius- Narnia Celerrimus x XXXXX (forse chissà) più altre di cui non sono a conoscenza, più altre di cani meno conosciuti o sconosciuti che ci sono sempre sui vari siti in Polonia------ NO PROBLEM!
mercoledì 3 novembre 2010
The "death's head" was the sign of Polish Death Hussar Divisions from 1920 (Polish–Soviet War)
Ora, Ironhair mi stava giudicando in base ai suoi parametri e si sbagliava...
Dove noi vediamo bianco, lui vede nero, e neppure se mille uomini giurassero che siamo noi ad avere ragione si convincerebbe di avere torto. Crede alle sue bugie, perchè nella sua mente contorta sono la verità, l'unica verità che abbia mai conosciuto o che mai conoscerà. Non gliene importa un bel niente di quello che è falso o di quello che è vero per gli altri. La SUA verità è tutto quello che conta per lui. Cercherà di ingannarti a ogni piè sospinto, te o chiunque altro si metta sulla sua strada - e non perderà certo il sonno per questo, dal momento che in fondo alla sua anima è fermamente convinto essere al centro dell'universo e che il mondo sia stato creato a suo uso e consumo....
Credo che una volta che un uomo è diventato un gran bugiardo, un bugiardo sua tragedia sia che non potrà mai credere a un uomo sa, nel profondo del proprio cuore, di essere un bugiardo, un impostore e un ipocrita, come potrà attribuire sincerità, onestà o integrità a chiunque altro?...
I nemici del mio nemico sono miei amici....
(Il segno di Excalibur- Jack Whyte)-
Nelle foto i Polish Winged Hussars, HUSARIA- la famosa cavalleria Polacca, gli angeli della giustizia...."FOR YOU WE SPILLED SO MUCH BLOOD...FOR YOU, POLAND"
The mighty iron men with eagles wingles, the angels of war- amor patriae nostra lex- HUSARIA!!!Polish pride- POLSKA DUMA!!!
Ora, Ironhair mi stava giudicando in base ai suoi parametri e si sbagliava...
Dove noi vediamo bianco, lui vede nero, e neppure se mille uomini giurassero che siamo noi ad avere ragione si convincerebbe di avere torto. Crede alle sue bugie, perchè nella sua mente contorta sono la verità, l'unica verità che abbia mai conosciuto o che mai conoscerà. Non gliene importa un bel niente di quello che è falso o di quello che è vero per gli altri. La SUA verità è tutto quello che conta per lui. Cercherà di ingannarti a ogni piè sospinto, te o chiunque altro si metta sulla sua strada - e non perderà certo il sonno per questo, dal momento che in fondo alla sua anima è fermamente convinto essere al centro dell'universo e che il mondo sia stato creato a suo uso e consumo....
Credo che una volta che un uomo è diventato un gran bugiardo, un bugiardo sua tragedia sia che non potrà mai credere a un uomo sa, nel profondo del proprio cuore, di essere un bugiardo, un impostore e un ipocrita, come potrà attribuire sincerità, onestà o integrità a chiunque altro?...
I nemici del mio nemico sono miei amici....
(Il segno di Excalibur- Jack Whyte)-
Nelle foto i Polish Winged Hussars, HUSARIA- la famosa cavalleria Polacca, gli angeli della giustizia...."FOR YOU WE SPILLED SO MUCH BLOOD...FOR YOU, POLAND"
The mighty iron men with eagles wingles, the angels of war- amor patriae nostra lex- HUSARIA!!!Polish pride- POLSKA DUMA!!!
martedì 2 novembre 2010
in ogni caso...
in ogni caso, comunque evolva la situazione, questa cosa senza precedenti passerà alla storia della razza!!! c'è stata una giusta combinazione (di cui ovviamente non mi prendo il merito...)- chissà SE IL FUTURO HA GIA' MESSO RADICI NEL PRESENTE??????
Qualche volta i sogni diventano realtà!!!
Nelle foto Levrieri al pascolo SEMPRE LIBERI nel mio parco recintato...ghhhhhhhh ah ah ah
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